From: "Ann Carrington" Subject: This is advanced! Can anyone help? Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 Thanks Phil. I have amended the function destination(form) so that when one of the radio buttons is clicked a message is shown confirming which radio button has been checked. var value = 0; // added by pk 8/13/2001 function destination(form) { if (document.Radio.DESTINATION[0].checked == true) { alert ("You chose the U.K.") value = 12.5; // Whatever UK needs it to be } else if (document.Radio.DESTINATION[1].checked == true) { alert ("You chose Europe.") value = 10.5; // Whatever Europe needs it to be } else if (document.Radio.DESTINATION[2].checked == true) { alert ("You chose North and South America.") value = 14.5; // Whatever North and South America needs it to be } else if (document.Radio.DESTINATION[3].checked ==true) { alert ("You chose the Rest of the World.") value = 15; // Whatever Rest of the World needs it to be } } I would like to set a variable and then depending on which radio button is selected change the value of that variable and then pass it to another function (function showCart()). For example, add the variable to the destination function, set it to zero and then if the UK radio button is selected change its value to 1.25. The same should occur if the Europe radio button is selected but the relevant variable changed to 5.00. This value would then be passed to the showCart() function and the value to the right of the relevant radio button in the table would be amended. I am sure this can be done but as yet haven't the best grasp of JavaScript. Hope to hear from you. Mark.