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Copyright ©: Circle Software

Readability (R) 001
1 Unreadable.
2 Barely readable, occasional words heard.
3 Readable but very difficult.
4 Readable almost no difficulty.
5 Perfectly readable.

Signal Strength (S)
1 Faint Signals, barely preceptible.
2 Very weak.
3 Weak.
4 Fair.
5 Fairly good.
6 Good.
7 Moderately strong.
8 Strong.
9 Very strong.

Tone (T) - CW only
1 Sixty cycle AC or less, very rough and broad.
2 Very rough AC, very harsh and broad.
3 Rough AC tone, rectified but not filtered.
4 Rought note, some trace of filtering.
5 Filtered rectified AC but strong ripple-modulation.
6 Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulation.
7 Near perfect, trace of ripple modulation.
8 Near perfect, slight trace of modulation.
9 Perfect.
If the signal has a characteristic steadyness of crystal control, add the letter "X".
If there is a chirp add the letter "C".
And, if there is a click, add the letter, "K".

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