QRZ Callsign Lookup Connection

Enter a Last Name to search for:
Enter Name:    
YES, you may operate as soon as you have a callsign!  
[Click Here] to return to the KE3FL HomePage

Enter a callsign to search for:
Enter Call:    
Other methods for looking up a callsign are:

[Click Here] to return to the KE3FL HomePage


You can look up your new call by sending an e-mail message to:

The subject line can be left blank, then in the text area put:
lookup (your last name goes here)

That should do it! In a matter of seconds to minutes you will have a return e-mail message waiting for you with your new callsign, if it is available.
You may have to wade through a number of records since you may not be the only person with your last name.

YES, you may operate as soon as the FCC has you listed in their database. The paperwork will come in about four to six weeks.

Or you can go directly to the QRZ Name look-up WebPage. Once there just enter your last name and click on the search button.

- Click there to Send QRZ.COM an e-mail

[Click Here to go to the QRZ Name Lookup Page]

[Click Here to go to the QRZ Callsign Lookup Page]

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Another lookup WebSite is located at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock:

[Click here: UALR.EDU WebSite]

(I have found QRZ much better at keeping up with the daily FCC updates.)

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