Local Nets, Carroll County MD

Last Update:

 ============================ ARES/RACES ============================

 - Eastern Region net 146.82  2nd Tuesday  19:30 R
 - Western Region net 147.09  2nd Tuesday  19:30 R
 - Central Region net 147.105 2nd Tuesday  19:30 R
 - MEPN (LSB):              3.821  Daily   18:00 R
 - BTN                    146.670  Daily   18:30 R
 - NVTN (North VA)        147.300+ Daily   19:30 R
 - MDD (CW > 5 WPM will)    3.557  Daily   19:00 R
 - MDD (slow down for you)  3.557  Daily   22:00 R
 - MDD alternate freq:      7.043  as needed 10/2000
 - MDD alternate freq:      7.076  as needed 10/2001
 - MSN (CW tfc training):   3.563  Daily   19:30 R
 - MADXRA                 147.06R Thursday 20:30 R
 - Frederick County Net:  147.060+ Monday  19:30 R
 - Frederick: When to 147.060 repeater is down,
              check out: 146.580s and 146.640-.
 - Montgomery County Net: 146.955- Tuesday 20:00 R
                          146.955- Sunday  19:30 R
 - Carroll County Net:    145.410- Tuesday 20:30 R
 - Howard County Net:     147.135+ 1&3 Tue 19:30 R
   Howard: No nets held in July and August 2000. PL 156.7, is turned
   OFF during the nets.

 - NCAC, National Capitol ARES Council net every Sunday 21:00 R

 - Hurricane Watch Net: 14.325, also other related nets: 14.303, and
   14.283 MHz.

 - The ARRL Public Service Communications Manual is available at URL:

 - Copies of the ARRL Radiogram Form, list of the ARRL Numbered
   Radiograms (FSD-3), guidelines regarding the ARRL Radiogram format
   (FSD-218), and ARRL Operating Aid (FSD-220) are available at URL:

NEWS: There is now a Carroll County event registration form on the
      CARET WebSite. Use it to sign up for the events you can
      help out with!

R = local for eastern time zone, ref: [World Time Zones]

Not so local Nets

Noon Net: 7.2685 MHz - from: ~9AM - 1PM Eastern time, NCS in CA
It starts about 2 hours before noon & lasts to at least 1 hour after noon. It is based out of California.

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