VOICE TRAFFIC HANDLING PRO WORDS: Number, break INTRO WORDS: Initial, letter group, figure(s), mixed group (figures) Use mixed group figures, if the mixed group starts with figures OPERATIONAL WORDS: I spell, I say again, end (more | no more), over (phone) figures, amateur call Are you ready to copy? > no response or "go" or "ready to copy" All numbers are said one digit at a time: 27 = two seven PRIORITY & EMERGENCY: Always include a time EMERGENCY: is NEVER abbreviated! spell it out! CALL sign is ALWAYS sent phonetically Always spell towns and last names (phonetically if conditions dictate) If time in preamble, then say, "mixed group figures" Go right into the address, no introduction! If "six" is said write "six", only write 6 if "figure six" is said To convey 2.5 say: "mixed group figure two Romeo five" which gets written as: 2R5 and means 2.5 There can be punctuation, but it is always spelled out: period, semicolon, comma, query EOC & ASAP = letter group After message say "break" & then go directly into signature, do not say "signature" END NO MORE Receiving station: If all is OK say, "Roger" otherwise you can start asking for fills. If it is a test message then include IN THE TEXT: "test message" before the break & the words count as part of the check. BOOK messages: All common parts are sent first, then the different parts are sent. Please copy book of three ... end of book of three